What is Health Creation?
Health Creation is the process through which individuals and communities gain a sense of purpose, hope, mastery and control over their own lives and immediate environment; when this happens their health and wellbeing is enhanced
Most people want to live longer, more satisfying lives with fewer health complications.
About 10% of achieving that goal happens in the doctor’s office. That means 90% of what impacts our health and wellbeing is up to us!
We’re all health creators, capable of doing big and small things every day, through our unique strengths and opportunities, to influence each other’s health and wellbeing in ways doctors were never meant to.
Health Creators Discover their Unique Strengths and Use them to:
Create the Conditions in Which Everyone’s Health & Wellbeing Can Flourish
Health and wellbeing is not just about preventing and treating disease, it is about creating the conditions in homes, schools, neighborhoods and workplaces where people can live meaningful lives that they value. (Nigel Crisp, Health is Made at Home: Hospitals are for Repairs)

Rebuild Communities as Places Where Everyone’s Strengths Matter
As a result of giving important community institutions more and more responsibility, while doing less for ourselves, we feel:
Less in control of our lives and more dependent on organizations.
Less connected in our communities and more anonymous.
Less confident we can handle life’s challenges and more burdened by fear.
All of which sets these valuable organizations up to fail while weakening our health and wellbeing in the process. (The Hydraulic Relationship).

Curious to Learn More?
Check out some of our favorite resources
Why a Strengths-Based Approach to Health Care?