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HCN People

Meet Our Team

Our dedicated team is the backbone of our mission.

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Orion Falvey

While attending the University of Oregon, Orion developed a passion for social entrepreneurship, and at age 22, co-founded Orchid Health with the mission of ensuring that people in rural communities have a fair and just opportunity at living healthy lives. As CEO, Orion has helped develop a nationally-recognized model of community health based on relationships . He was named 2020 Rural Health Hero of the Year, and his company was recently recognized as one of the top 100 places to work in Oregon and a healthiest workplace.


Prior to leading Orchid as its Executive Director, Orion was named the 2013 Oregon Student Impact Entrepreneur of the Year by Portland State University and was awarded as a Freeman Fellow supporting healthcare, microfinance and community development projects in rural Cambodia. His passion for improving the healthcare system stems from his upbringing and the opportunity it provides for large-scale positive impact and to bring equity to underserved populations.

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Eric Park 

Eric is a creative leader, committed to helping ambitious, purpose-driven leaders and organizations design and build better futures. He worked for over twenty years as a design and innovation consultant to envision and launch new products, services, and consumer experiences for startups and established brands including P&G, Clorox, Nike, Patagonia, and United Health.


Over time, Eric sought out ways to apply his experience in design and innovation to support social impact organizations in the areas of sustainability, education and social enterprise as a mentor, consultant, employee, board member, and social entrepreneur for organizations including the Portland Seed Fund,, Cambia Health, and United Way. He was in the audience at PSU’s social impact conference in 2013 when Orion and his co-founder pitched the idea that became Orchid and was thrilled to join them in 2022.

As a co-founder of the Health Creation Network, Eric wears the many hats of a social entrepreneur, as a marketer, designer, and social innovator. But has most enjoyed creating and running a photo booth during summer events where community members share their passions and dreams on small, handheld chalkboards!

Outside of work, Eric enjoys playing music with friends, rehabbing his aging body to play ultimate, and trying to be useful to his now adult children.


Emily Hambelton

After growing up in Colorado, Emily moved to small town Estacada, Oregon, 16 years ago where she now lives with her husband and 3 awesome kids.

She has 12 years of experience as a Registered Nurse, having worked in a variety of settings with all different ages. She started out in pediatric home health, taking care of children with chronic illnesses and complicated medical equipment Then she moved on to be a hospital bedside and charge nurse, where she won the Valarie Lundquist Nursing Award and was a finalist for the March of Dimes “Rising Star” award. 


Though she loved her work in the hospital, she began to realize that her impact was limited to temporarily “repairing” people and not creating long-term health. Shestarted to understand that the majority of health is created by everyday choices people make, not by hospitals or healthcare providers.


With this realization, her passion became to serve her neighbors in her small town by helping them get and stay healthy proactively. She worked as an RN at Orchid Health for three years before jumping at the chance to join the Health Creation Network. As the RN consultant and Community Lead, she is able to fuze her love of her neighbors with her love of helping people create health.


Jonny Cantrell

Jonny grew up in Beaverton, Oregon, and has called the Portland metro area home for his entire life. He loves the proximity to his family and the access to some of the best outdoor spots in America. He enjoys life with his three-year-old child and is eagerly awaiting the arrival of baby number two.


He finds joy in backpacking, camping, running, traveling, biking, and spending quality time with his loved ones.


With nearly seven years of experience in digital marketing, Jonny has carved out a niche in health-related work. His creative endeavors have earned him recognition, including the Best Film Award at Portland Funniest Video, with several of his short films making their way into film festivals.


Outside of his professional life, Jonny is dedicated to making a positive impact on his community. He volunteers for a children's health organization and has taught meditation to individuals living with HIV/AIDS. His guiding principle is to step into the unknown and remain connected with others.

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